I am almost always able to make a meaningful connection with your loved ones in spirit.
Your Loved ones in spirit often want to connect with you and they wait for opportunities to do so. A session with me is very likely to provide that opportunity. I am an evidential medium- this means the information I share with you will be specific, and you’ll know from the details I share that I am making an authentic connection with your loved ones.
I prefer mediumship to be a part of a reading and not the entire session. People often contact me and their sole intention is to contact a loved one in spirit..And then, during their session, I receive and share very valuable information and guidance for them. We both realize that this guidance was what they really needed from me.. and it’s clear to the us that seeking a medium was just their way to find me. Just let me know before your session that you want to make contact with someone in Spirit.
I have extensive mediumship training including Advanced Mediumship with Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, Sharon Klingler, and Janet Nahovec.
Most of my client sessions are on zoom. I also see clients who want an in-person session at my office, near Phoenicia & Woodstock, New York. I’ve been working on the phone, and virtually, since 2012 and I’ve found that the information you’ll receive from me will be the same whether you are in-person or not. And obviously, Zoom is a very convenient way for us to meet. However, If you want an in-person session, please email me.
30 Minute Medium Session $135.00

"Dannah was able to connect with my grandfather who has passed, whom I was very close with. What she shared brought me to tears immediately and I knew he was there giving her the message to share with me. My session with Dannah was awesome, reassuring, and eyeopening. I’m highly recommending her to my friends and clients."
- Sheila Viers, CA
"Dannah was spot on, her accuracy was haunting. I was comforted hearing messages from my loved ones, stunned at the memories that came through, and hopeful about what options may lie ahead in the future. I felt safe and inspired. Dannah is the real deal!"
- Tracy Christian, Documentary Filmmaker, Woodstock, NY